Saturday, December 30, 2006


I hate when people gossip about me yet I have gossiped about others. That makes me a hypocrite. I have also looked at other people and told them they were hypocrites and never thought about the things I did. From here on out I will not entertain gossip nor will I criticize anyone else. If i can't find anything nice to say about someone then I will not say anything.

I am ridding myself of people that are toxic to me.

Lately, I have been thinking about a few people that have claimed to be my friend and quote that I read from Maya Angelou.

"When people show you who they are, believe them"

I am aware of my faults and I work on them but I have never pretended to be anything I am not. If i don't like someone then I don't talk to them, who has time to be phony. If you don't like me then don't talk to me. Save us both time. When I accept you as my friend I accept your imperfections as well. I am just hoping that I am not getting a phony. Eventually the truth comes out and the real person will come to light.

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